A drug called “Flakka” or alpha-Pyrrolidinopentiophenone has been found on a drug dealer in Durban. Reported. As reported in accident.co.za ”
Yesterday an integrated operational response team.consisting of NIU, Metro K9, MORT.SPU arrested a Nigerian Male with the New Drug Flakka. He was arrested with 10 bags of flakka, 10 bag xtc Tablets and 1 bag of Cocaine.” Sam Pillay of the Anti-Drug Forum said is quoted as saying “This drug has caused so much damage in other parts of the world and now it is here. These users had almost demonic-like behaviour and it took about six men to restrain just one person. This drug has been called the ‘gateway to hell’ because of the actions of the user. It is like they have superhuman strength,”
Flakka can cause hyperstimulation, paranoia, and hallucinations. α-PVP has been reported to be the cause, or a significant contributory cause of death in suicides and overdoses caused by combinations of drugs. It is also associated with zombie-type behaviours.
This is not the first time Flakka has been reported in South Africa – reports date back to 2015 and point to an elevated usage of the drug by poor people because of it’s cheapness and availability.
Flakka is a dangerous drug that threatens the individual, the family, communities as well as the health care and policing infrastructure. The drug provides the ability to disrupt economically and socially. It generates large amounts of cash that could be used to corrupt at all levels and buy weapons. As such, it is a terroristic tool.
References: Wikipedia
IOL – https://www.iol.co.za/dailynews/fears-grow-as-zombie-drug-hits-durban-11891098
Splinternews – https://splinternews.com/a-complete-guide-to-flakka-the-horrible-street-drug-te-1793847009
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